We are happy to relay that as of August 2, following ongoing negotiations between Hendrick Medical Center and Superior Health, the possible termination of their relationship HAS BEEN CANCELLED. Hendrick will continue to see and provide services to patients with Superior MCO or Superior CHIP.

This means that THERE IS NO LONGER A NEED to change to an alternate medicaid plan in order to maintain our provider-patient relationship with you and the service we are able to provide will not be hindered by the need to seek alternative options for imaging or labs. IT WILL BE BUSINESS AS USUAL.

While we understand that this has been a headache for those of you who were proactive and have already started the process to switch (believe us, we understand the headache!), we are pleased that Hendrick and Superior were able to come to an agreement.  Many patients are covered by Superior and Superior is the only insurance provider for foster families in our area.

We remain committed to you, our patients, and are thankful that this is behind us at this point.  If you have any further questions don’t hesitate to call us at 325-677-2801. Thank you for allowing us to serve you and your children!


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